公共英语三级题库/阅读理解 Section B


When I was at university, I was frightened by what had happened to a lot of my friends by the time they reached the end of the course. Having spent their university careers being all the things one is at university—clever, artistic, very noisy—at the end of their time they all — 144 — PETS 3 Reading and Writing seemed to take entry exams for the Civil Service .How gray, how gray, I thought .But now, well, look at me!


The circular letters I get drive me absolutely mad. From American Express, et., they’re sent to my work address and they’re all addressed to Mr. Lowell ! Obviously they found the name on some published list and assumed that anybody who wasn’t a secretary must of course be a man .It’s stupid really, because the Company does put Mr. or Ms. in front of the names on its departmental lists.


I work in Chicago at a large hospital as a nursing officer .It’s what a lot of people call a male nurse, which sort of implies that a nurse ought to be female .People always say “suppose you really wanted to be a doctor,” and can’t imagine that I really wanted to be a nurse .And what they don’t realize is the work is completely different, you know, as a male nurse you’ve more contact with patients and a long term responsibility for their welfare.


I’m a salesman, what used to be called a travelling businessman, and for some reason there’re lots of dirty jokes about travelling salesmen. Can’t tell why. Maybe, it’s because they often travel a lot, a night here, a night there .People get the idea they are not particularly dependable, sort of fly by nights .I suppose, you know, life in every port .But it’s not the case, I promise you.


I’m an apprentice hairdresser .I enjoy the work very much .I’m gaining confidence that I never had at school .I remember teachers to look down on jobs like hairdressing .They thought that only girls who were a bit dim went in for hairdressing, but I’m not dim at all .If I work hard in the salon and get all my certificates, if I save hard, in a few years I could start my own business, and I’d be earning five times as much as those old bags at school!

Now match each of the persons ( 1 ~ 5 ) to the appropriate statement. Note: there are two extra statements.


1. Douglas

2. Lowell

3. Mikeys

4. Colinton

5. Morris

A. Every profession produces its own leading authority.

B. Your occupation may sometimes make people misunderstand you.

C. College graduates must do well in entry exams for the Civil Service.

D. To know one’s own value is the first step in choosing one’s career.

E. Traditional female jobs are now very attractive to males.

F. Reality is not always as young people w expected.

G. Prejudice against different gender in an organization is deep in some people’s mind.

            参考答案: D,A,F,G,B