Suppose you are Liu Ying, Secretary of General Manager . You are asked to write a notice to tell all salespeople about the time , the date, and the place of the year-end sales meeting . You should write appropriately 100 words .

参考答案: Meeting Notice
To: All Salespeople
From: Liu Ying, Secretary of General Manager
Subject: The Year-end Sales Meeting
Date: November 1, 2001
The last sales meeting for 2001 will be held on Friday, December 28, from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at the Head Office. All the district sales representatives are expected to report on the year's sales volume . Problems and the new strategies will be discussed. Lunch will be provided. The specific agenda will be mailed by the end of November. If you have any suggestions to be included, please forward them to me by November 20. If you are unable to attend, please call 4680998 not later than December 16.
解题思路: >>>立即刷题