在北京、上海等大城市,越来越多的人已经愿意为心理测试(psychological test)支付费用,在专家的指导下去更理智更科学地去探求“一个真实的自我”。据《北京青年报》(Beijing Youth Daily)报道,在北京大学一次大规模心理咨询会上,居然排起了长队。这个现象无疑说明了两件事:一是中国人对心理咨询的态度正在逐步端正起来;二是文明进步带给现代人的心理压力大到他们无法独自消化的地步,走出来是不得已的。


  In such big cities as Beijing and Shanghai, more and more people are ready to pay for the psychological test in an effort to exam “a real self” in a more rational and scientific way under the guidance of the experts. It is reported in Beijing Youth Daily that people even stand in a long line in a large-scale consultation. That is no doubt a good testimony to the following two facts. First, the Chinese people come to take a proper attitude to the psychological consultation. Secondly, the people now in the modern times are suffering so much of the pressure from the advance of civilization that they can not deal with the situation by themselves and have to ask for help from the experts.

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