传统的中国服饰较多地使用深色,所以庆典礼服(ceremonial clothing)倾向于深色,配以色彩明亮、精心设计的图案。普通老百姓日常生活中穿的最多的是浅色衣服。中国人将某些颜色与特定季节联系在一起:绿色代表春天,红色代表夏天,白色代表秋天,黑色象征冬天。据传古时中国人在穿着上有一套成熟的体系,要求进行颜色和明暗的搭配、协调与对比。今天,服饰设计师将传统和现代的观点融合在一起,创造出了新的时尚元素(fashion elements)。

参考答案:     Traditional Chinese clothing favored darker colors than lighter ones,SO the main color of ceremonial clothing tended to be dark with bright and elaborate designs accented.Lighter colored clothing was worn frequently by common people for everyday and around the house use.The Chinese associate certain colors with specific seasons:green is spring,red stands for summer,white represents autumn, and black symbolizes winter.The ancient Chinese were said to have a fully developed system of matching,coordinating,and contrasting colors and shades of light and dark in apparel.Today,fashion designers use a mixture of traditional and modern ideas to create new fashion elements.
解题思路: 1.第一句中,“较多地使用”用favored…表示,使语言显得更生动。
3.第三句中,“绿色代表春天,红色代表夏天,白色代表秋天,黑色象征冬天”,四个小短  句中的“代表”和“象征”分别译为:is,stands for,represents和symbolizes,这样不会给人单一、枯燥的感觉。
4.第四句中,“要求进行颜色和明暗的搭配、协调与对比”可以翻译为of引出的介词短  语作后置定语,即of matching,coordinating,and contrasting colors and shades of light and dark in apparel。5.最后一句中,“融合在一起”译为a mixture of。>>>立即刷题