
发布于 2018-02-06 10:48  编辑:Claire


1.adjust, regulate, rectify, amend, convert, alter, modify, transform, vary都含有"调整、改变"的意思。

adjust v.一般指很小的改变或技术性的调整;修理。

I adjusted the air conditioner to stay cool.我调节了空调以保持凉爽。

regulate v.指根据规定或需要对某物(机器、钟表等)进行调整或调节,使之准确工作或运行;多含有"控制"之意。

Lights are used to regulate the traffic.红绿灯被用来管制交通。

rectify v.纠正,校正(错误、文章、合同等)。

He rectified the mistake in the contract by changing its wording.他通过改变措辞纠正了合同里的错误。

amend v. (正式用语)指修改文件、法律、规范等。

The politicians amended the law to provide more jobs.政治家们修正了这项法律以提供更多的就业。

convert v.改变某事物的形式或用途,还可以指改变信仰尤其是宗教信仰。

Britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971.英国于1971年改用十进制货币体系。

He's converted to Catholicism.他已经皈依天主教。

alter v.使事物在外观、性质、用途等方面稍作改变。

The tailor altered the waistband on my pants because it was too tight.裁缝修改了我的裤腰因为它太紧了。

modify v.改变,修改,以使某物更趋完善,还可以用来表示态度、脾气、意见变得温和。

He was loud and angry, and his friends told him to modify his behavior.他粗声大气,脾气暴躁;朋友们告诉他要改变自己的举止。

transform v.指彻底、深远的改变,这种变化完全改变了外观或特性,使被改变的对象脱胎换骨。

Remodeling transformed an old, dark house into a cheerful one.重新装修使这所陈旧昏暗的房子变得赏心悦目。

vary v.强调没有一定规则、陆续的变化或差异。

Air fares vary from one airline to another.航空公司的机票价格各不相同。

2.admit, confess, concede这几个动词都有"承认"的意思。

admit v.指由于说服、再三追问而"承认"某一事实或过错。

I admit that you have a point.我承认你有理。

confess v.供认(罪行、过错等),含有"坦白、招认"的意思。

He confessed his crimes to the judge.他向法官供认了他的罪行。

concede v.指曾想隐瞒或不愿意承认某一错误,但由于证据确凿而不得不勉强承认,还可以指"以退为进"的承认。

The man who caused the accident finally conceded to the police that he had done it.造成这次交通事故的人最终向警察承认他是肇事人。

3.affiliate, link, attach, append都有"附加"的意思。

affiliate v.加入,成为……一部分。

an affiliated middle school一所附属中学

link v.将人或物连接起来。

The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.群众臂挽着臂组成人墙。

attach v.将某物系在、贴在、附在另一物上。

I attached a note to my report with a paper clip.我用别针将一张字条别在报告的后面。

append v.增加,附加(与attach的意思比较接近)。

The lawyer appended two more pages to the contract.律师在合同后又附加了两页。

4.affirm, assert, allege, claim, announce, proclaim这一组动词都有"声称"的意思。

affirm v.坚信不疑地肯定或宣称,是deny的反义词。

He affirmed his love for her.他发誓爱她。

assert v.指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称,或者清楚有力地坚持某个情况为事实。

She asserted that she was innocent .她宣称自己是无辜的。

allege v.在无真凭实据的情况下宣称、断定。

The suspect alleged that he had not been in the neighborhood at the time of the crime.嫌疑犯声称案发时他不在现场。

claim v.要求,声称,断言。多指根据某种规定提出的要求或主张。

They claim that if more people rode bicycles to go to work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city.他们生成如果有更多的人骑自行车上班的话,闹市区的汽车就会有所减少。

announce v.宣布,宣告。多指首次当众正式宣布某一主张或态度,常常带有预告的意味。

The invention of the printing press announced the diffusion of knowledge.印刷术的发明宣告了知识普及时代的来临。

proclaim v.宣布;宣告(成立)。指经过深思熟虑后向大众宣布一个明确的决定或判断,尤其指重大事件的宣布,多用于官方场合。

The president proclaimed an emergency when the war came.当战争来临的时候总统宣布进入紧急状态。

5.aggravate, reinforce, increase, strengthen, intensify  这一组动词都有"加强"的意思。

aggravate v.加重(负担、罪行、病情等),使之恶化。

I hurt my foot, then aggravated it by trying to walk too soon.我的脚受伤了,而过早的下地走路又加重了伤情。

reinforce v.增援,一般用于军队或警察的行动;(添材料等)加固。

A police officer saw three thieves robbing a bank and radioed to reinforce him.一位警察看到三个盗贼抢劫银行,用无线电话要求增援。

increase v.指数量上的增加。

The number of people has been increased.人数增加了。

strengthen v.加强,巩固,增强,相当于to become stronger。

Exercising every day strengthens the heart.每天锻炼可以提高心脏的功能。

Competition, they believe, strengthens the national character rather than corrupt it.人们认为竞争加强了民族性而不是破坏了它。

intensify v.使变得更强烈、剧烈,加剧,相当于to become more intense or intensive。

intensify colors加深色彩

intensify hatred加深仇恨

6.alert, cautious, considerate都表示"小心的,谨慎的"。

alert a.警惕的,留神的。

The hostess remained standing, alert to every guests' drinking need.女主人一直站在旁边,时刻准备给大家斟酒。

cautious a.细心的,谨慎的。

He has a cautious attitude about spending money.在花钱的问题上他态度谨慎。

considerate a.关心他人的,体贴的。

He is always considerate of others; he is kind and sympathetic.他总是很体谅他人,并且慈祥而富有同情心。

7.alive, live, living, lively 这一组形容词都跟"活"有关。

alive a.活着的,有活力的,常作表语,作定语时必须后置。

After the accident, he was barely alive.交通事故后,他奄奄一息。  all man alive所有活着的人

live a.活的,有活力的,现场直播的,

We watched the live broadcast of the opera on TV.我们通过电视观看了这部歌剧的实况。

living a.活着的,作定语可前可后,可修饰人也可修饰物。

Who is the world's greatest living artist?谁是现在还健在的世界上最伟大的艺术家?  living room起居室

lively a.活泼的,栩栩如生的。

She is a lively young girl, always laughing and doing things.她是个活泼可爱的小姑娘,总是欢声笑语忙个不停。

8.alleviate, diminish, reduce, decrease, decline这一组动词都有"减少,减轻"的意思。

alleviate v.在痛苦方面的减轻,缓和

The painkiller alleviated the pain.止疼药减缓了疼痛。

diminish v.指因为不断消耗,在数量方面缓慢减少,也指在素质或者价值的下降。

The supply of oil has diminished because of the war.由于战争石油的供应减少了。

reduce v.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。

He reduced the amount of money they could spend.他缩减了他们的开销。

decrease v.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。

The population decreased a lot last year.去年人口数量急剧下降。

decline v. (数目、价格、比率)下降;谢绝,婉言推辞;衰退,衰落。

Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率明显下降。

He declined our invitation to dinner.他婉拒了我们请他吃饭的邀请。

9.allocate, separate, detach, divide都有"分开"的意思。

allocate v.分配,把……拨给。

The city government allocated money for schools and the police in this year's budget.市政府在今年的预算中给学校和警察部门分配了资金。

separate v.人为地分开,使隔离开。

We separated the salad forks from the dinner forks.我们把沙拉叉与餐叉分隔开。

detach v.拆开组合的物体;远离,疏远。

We need a carpenter to detach this bookshelf from the wall.我们需要一名木匠将书架从墙上拆下来。

divide v.指将整体分为若干个部分。

The huge corporation divided into smaller companies.这家特大公司分成一些较小的公司。

10.ambiguous, obscure, vague, unclear, dim "模糊"

ambiguous a.意义含糊的,有歧义的,指因字、词、句有歧义而使人感到模糊不清、难以理解和把握。

His ambiguous directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.他的模棱两可的指导使我们很迷惑以至于我们不知道该走哪条路了。

obscure a.用于表达因光线不足而使人看不清楚。该词的引申意义可以表示语法、文字、记忆等因复杂、深奥、模棱两可而使人看不懂和无法理解。

The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many obscure references. 艾兹拉·庞德的诗有时候难以理解,因为诗歌中含有许多令人费解的典故。

vague a.含混的,不清楚的,多用于比喻意义,用来表示因逻辑关系不清、言辞笼统而导致的意义不清楚,该词也可表示轮廓形状的不清楚和模糊。

He has some vague ideas about what to do, but nothing specific.他大概知道他要做什么,但没有具体的计划。

unclear a.指句意、字迹不清楚,使人难以看懂;不肯定的。

Unclear writing is difficult to understand.模糊的字迹使人难以辨认。

It is unclear whether the economy will get better.经济是否好转仍不明朗。

dim a.光线暗淡的,看不清的;记忆力模糊的;不大可能的。

Don't work in dim light.不要在昏暗的光线下工作。



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