CATTI二级笔译:常用汉语成语翻译 (二)

发布于 2018-02-24 14:46  编辑:Claire

CATTI二级笔译:常用汉语成语翻译 (二)

养尊处优 live like fighting cocks ;to live very comfortably

eg. 他们俩都很会烧菜,我们与他们住在一起时过着养尊处优的生活。They are both very good cooks, and we live like fighting cocks when we stay with them.

药到病除 to work like a charm

你给我的那些新药丸真是药到病除。These new pills you gave me worked like a charm.

遗臭万年 one's name will live in infamy

他遗臭万年。His name will live in infamy.

以其人之道还治其人之身 to pay sb. back in his or her own coin

eg. 他侮辱了她,她决定以其人之道还治其人之身。She decided to repay his insults in kind.

耿耿于怀 to stuck in one's gizzard.; to rankle in sb's mind

eg. 她对女人应该呆在厨房里的观念早就耿耿于怀了。The notion that the kitchen is a woman's place has long stuck in her gizzard.

得意与失意 triumph and despair

人生总是时而得意,时而失意。Life is invariably accompanied by alternate triumph and despair.

凤毛麟角 few and far between

像他那样的伟大思想家是凤毛麟角。Great thinkers like him are few and far between.

人各有所好 there is no accounting for taste

eg. 玛丽认为汤姆了不起。——嗯,算了,人各有所好嘛。Mary thinks Tom's wonderful.—Oh well, there's no accounting for taste

家道中落 to come down in the world; to become less important in society or in one's career or become poorer

eg. 自从上次与他们见面之后,他们家道中落了。They've come down in the world since I last met them.

价值连城 worth a king's ransom; invaluable

eg. 这根钻石项链价值连城。This diamond necklace is worth a king's ransom.

颇有微词 be murmuring about; to complain about sth

eg. 老板的之子谋取了这份工作,他们对此颇有微词。They were murmuring about the boss's nephew's getting the job.

浅尝辄止  to be content with the commonplace or superficial

eg. 在求知上不要满足于浅尝辄止。Be not content with the commonplace in intellectual attainment.

如日中天 be on the crest of a wave; at the point of greatest success, happiness, etc.

eg. 该党在选举获胜后如日中天。After its election victory, the party was on the crest of a wave.

软硬兼施  to alternate threat with persuasion; a combination of threat and persuation

eg. 他们软硬兼施促使她就范。They alternated threat with persuasion in bringing her to terms.



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